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Local Weather

Using the qBiq to monitoring temperature or humidity is simple. Get a notification quickly and easy by configuring it for this purpose! Even monitor when the sun rises and sets with the light sensor data.

Core Settings

Notifications 15 Minutes
Report Interval 6 Hours
Samples Per Report 1

Temperature Settings

Fahrenheit (Your Choice)
High Limit 24 Degrees Celsius
Low Limit 5 Degrees Celsius

How to Configure

Firstly, go to "Configurations" from the "Settings" Mode of your qBiq view. From here, choose "Movement".

Core Configuration
Every 15 minutes, so you don't get aggravated during one opening and shutting of the door.
Report Interval: Report every 6 hours, to minimize battery usage. Your qBiq should last a month or so this way.
Samples per Report: Feel free to sample the temperature or brightness while you are at it.

From there, choose these simple settings to monitor a door;

Movement Configuration
Blink When Moved: It's nice to see the qBiq blink when you open the door.
Level: .06g picks up a very slow door open, but not wind or air pressure from the door movement (depending on the door). 
Counter Threshold: If it moves even once, report.
Report Delay: Every time you open a door - you usually shut it again. Ergo, most movements will require at least two movements. If you believe you might take longer than ten seconds to make it through the door, give yourself some extra time!

With these settings, you'll get a notification every time someone opens your door.

Every time you give your qBiq a shake, it will update itself. 



Medical Supplies

Medical Supplies

Using the qBiq to monitoring a door opening is easy and fast. Wether it's securing a storage locker or monitoring a door of a locked cabinet you can get a notification quickly and easy by configuring it for this purpose! Also it's just as easy to set the ideal temperature or humidity for storing certain medicines and be notified if preset thresholds are reached or passed.

** It's also very important to note that many creams and ointments should be kept at the correct temperature at all times to prevent chemicals or compounds from separating in the tube or bottle. 

medication that should be stored at room temperature means between 15 to 25 degrees Celsius; cool temperature means between 8 to 15 degrees Celsius; refrigeration means between 2 to 8 degrees Celsius; and freezing temperaturemeans -10 to -25 degrees Celsius.Get a notification quickly and easy by configuring it for this purpose!



Core Settings

Notifications 15 Minutes
Report Interval 6 Hours
Samples Per Report 1

Temperature Settings

Fahrenheit (Your Choice)
High Limit 24 Degrees Celsius
Low Limit 5 Degrees Celsius

How to Configure

Firstly, go to "Configurations" from the "Settings" Mode of your qBiq view. From here, choose "Movement".

Core Configuration
Every 15 minutes, so you don't get aggravated during one opening and shutting of the door.
Report Interval: Report every 6 hours, to minimize battery usage. Your qBiq should last a month or so this way.
Samples per Report: Feel free to sample the temperature or brightness while you are at it.

From there, choose these simple settings to monitor a door;

Movement Configuration
Blink When Moved: It's nice to see the qBiq blink when you open the door.
Level: .06g picks up a very slow door open, but not wind or air pressure from the door movement (depending on the door). 
Counter Threshold: If it moves even once, report.
Report Delay: Every time you open a door - you usually shut it again. Ergo, most movements will require at least two movements. If you believe you might take longer than ten seconds to make it through the door, give yourself some extra time!

With these settings, you'll get a notification every time someone opens your door.

Every time you give your qBiq a shake, it will update itself. 






Using the qBiq to monitoring the temperature or humidity in your green house or growing area is easy with qBiq. qBiq also make it very easy to share your data and compare your plant data with other plant growers. 

qBiqs have a contextual chat feature built in which is also a great feature when you are following or comparing other peoples plant conditions who have an interest in the same kind of plants. qBiq can help you to keep your levels at perfection no matter what type of plant you are growing.

For example according to some experts, they say when growing Cannabis, the following conditions should be followed as closely as possible. 


First, define what humidity and temperature control actually means when growing cannabis. It makes sense to divide the life of cannabis plants into 4 different stages in which humidity levels, and temperatures, should be adjusted to ensure healthy growth. Don’t think that humidity and temperature control is complicated and not worth it! It’s generally very easy, and more about keeping parameters within a certain range, and as constant as possible. Thankfully qBiq makes it very simple to do just that.

1. Seedling Stage
  • Seedlings and clones like high humidity levels of 65-70%
  • Reason: The root system is not established
  • High humidity levels allow water intake through leaves
  • Temperatures with lights on: 20-25 C° (lights off: 4-5 C° lower)
2. Vegetation Period
  • Humidity levels can be lowered by 5% each week (acceptable range: 40-70%)
  • Temperatures can be increased a little bit (no obligation)
  • Reason: Roots absorb more water; evaporation through leaves cools plant(s)
  • Temperatures with lights on: 22-28 C° (lights off: 4-5 C° lower)
3. Flowering Period
  • Humidity levels need to be lowered to 40-50% (extremely important)
  • You can get away with 55% (anything over 60% is real bad)
  • It’s best to slightly lower temperatures in flowering
  • Temperatures with lights on: 20-26 C° (avoid high temperatures)
4. Late flowering (1-2 weeks before harvest)
  • The following steps are no necessity, but can improve yield, flavour and appearance
  • Bring down humidity levels as much as you can: 30-40%
  • Lower daytime temperatures, and also increase the temperature difference (day/night)
  • Temperatures with lights on: 18-24 °C (lights off: minus 5-10 C°)

Core Settings

Notifications 15 Minutes
Report Interval 6 Hours
Samples Per Report 1

Temperature Settings

Fahrenheit (Your Choice)
High Limit 25 Degrees Celsius
Low Limit 20 Degrees Celsius


Humidity Settings

High Limit 70 %

Low Limit65 %

How to Configure

Firstly, go to "Configurations" from the "Settings" Mode of your qBiq view. From here, choose "Movement". We suggest turning movement off for this purpose because it will save battery.

Core Configuration
Every 4 hours, so you don't get aggravated but it will give you a periodic reminder that the levels are outside your preferred settings.
Report Interval: Report every 6 hours, to minimize battery usage. Your qBiq should last a couple of months before needing a recharge if its set this way.
Samples per Report: Feel free to sample the brightness while you are at it.

From there, choose these simple settings to monitor a door;

Movement Configuration
We suggest turning movement off, that is of course unless you want to monitor a door or a lock where the plants are stored. Movement would help with securing them by allowing you to get a notification if they are tampered with.

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